Publication Ethics
The scientific journal "The New Past" has been published since 2016. The founder and publisher of the journal is "Southern Federal University". The journal is periodical and quarterly published.
The scientific journal “The New Past”:
- is registered as a scientific periodical by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Media registration certificate PI No. FS77-63499, dated 30 October 2015). Circulation of the journal - 200 copies; price - free;
- is registered by the National ISSN Center in Russia at the Russian Book Chamber / ITAR-TASS branch with the assignment of the international standard number ISSN 2500-3224.
РThe Editorial Board and Editorial Council follow the copyright law of the Russian Federation (Chapter 70), international standards for the ethics of scientific publications prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics, as well as the guidelines drafted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Singapore, 22-24 July 2010). The Editorial Board and Editorial Council take into account practices of the leading academic journals and publishers.
The Editorial Board and Editorial Council adhere to the ethical standards in their activities and in relations with all the participants of the publication process: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers. A brief description of the duties and responsibilities of editors, reviewers and authors, and a list of ethical standards to be followed by all the participants in the publishing process are provided below.
- follow the principles of objectivity and equity in selection and publishing the journal materials;
- eliminate discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographic origin of the authors as well as them having or not an academic title, degree and other achievements;
- sign author’s contract which stipulates rights, obligations and responsibility of the editorial board and the authors.
- seeks to satisfy needs of the readers and authors when accepting the materials on relevant scientific topics for publishing;
- seeks to constantly improve the quality of the journal;
- undertakes to apply the procedures providing for high quality of the published materials in the work process;
- undertakes to comply with the high academic level of scientific publication;
- take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred;
- in no case shall a publisher or editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place;
- in the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately;
- does not allow commercial interests to influence intellectual and ethical level of the journal;
- are always ready to publish corrections, explanations, retractions and apologies if necessary.
The provisions developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity (Singapore, 22-24 July 2010) as well as chapter 70 of the Copyright Law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shall be the basis of the journal publishing ethics.
- Information about directions of the journal, its editorial board and plans shall be published on the official website. The editorial board undertakes to promptly provide all the necessary updates.
- The readers have the right to access the published materials of all issues on the journal website free of charge.
- Readers are provided with the information about the author of the published material, including academic degree, place of work and email address.
- The readers shall be informed about sources of financing of a research or other scientific works published in the journal as well as about role of sponsor in research and publication.
- Reprinting, copying or word-for-word use of articles or their parts is prohibited. This is possible only upon written consent of the editorial board.
- The editors try to make every effort to ensure the high quality of the printed scientific materials.
- Editorial board undertakes to publish complete requirements to the articles authors on the journal website. These requirements are updated by the editorial board in compliance with modern international and Russian standards.
- The author provides the editorial board with a fully prepared text, made is accordance with the technical requirements of the editorial board, which can be found on the journal's website.
- Author shall provide to the editorial board a text for consideration that should be executed according to technical requirements.
- Editorial board undertakes to publish materials in rubrics of different formats: scientific research, discussion, reviews, publishing of sources.
- Editorial board shall be responsible for quality printing of materials, proofreading of the texts, pagination of camera-ready copy, adequate quality of polygraphic processes.
- Editorial board undertakes to accept or reject the material sent for publication in their reasonable discretion and based on its importance, originality, clarity of presentation, reliability of the information contained in it.
- All materials provided to the editorial board shall undergo double anonymous review.
- Editorial board shall provide for publishing of the materials review procedure description on the official website of the journal.
- Editor has the right to perform stylistic editing of the text. Disputable situations are to be discussed with the author of the material.
- The author must present reliable results of the research. It is unacceptable to make false or intentionally erroneous statements. The data that constitute the basis of the work should not contain errors.
- If errors are found in the manuscript after its submission, the author must inform the editorial office in order to correct the errors or withdraw the work.
- If a significant error is found in a published work, the author is obliged to notify the editor and publisher and provide assistance in correcting the error.
- Author shall guarantee to the editorial board that he or she has all copyright titles to the text submitted for publishing.
- Author guarantees that the work is original, that the material was not submitted officially earlier (i.e. under an officially executed contract) for reproduction or other use.
- Author guarantees that he or she has the right to reproduce all the illustrative materials, interview or other materials.
- All publications of scientific materials in the journal are free of charge.
- An article cannot be submitted to other journals until its review is over.
- The author cannot submit an article published in “The New Past” to another journal.
- Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable. Reference to sources is mandatory when citing verbatim an extract from another text, paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's ideas. Information obtained in the course of conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties, can be published only with the written permission.
- The author is obliged to inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest (employment, consulting, receiving payment and other actions that may be accused of influencing the results or conclusions presented in the article) and indicate the sources of funding (if any).
- Only individuals who made a significant contribution to the development and/or execution of the study or interpretation of the collected data may be regarded as the authors of the publication. All of them are listed in the “Authors” section. The final version of the article and its submission for the publication must be approved by all the authors. Other participants involved in the drafting of the study can be listed in the "Acknowledgments" section.
- The author is obliged to cooperate with the editorial board of the journal at the stages of reviewing and preparing the manuscript for printing. The author should respond to the comments in due course and take into account the received recommendations. In case of disagreement with the peer review, the author should send substantive objections to the editor. Further refinement of the article should not take more than two months from the moment when the text of the review was sent to the author by e-mail. The author is obliged to notify the editor of his refusal to further develop the text.
- Members of the editorial board have the opportunity to publish an article in their own journal. However, they should not take advantage of their position. A special control procedure must be applied to ensure that the author, who is also the editor, cannot influence the decision to accept or refuse the article, whether the influence is intentional or unintentional.
- The Editorial board is responsible for maintaining communication with the authors, which includes sending letters within the specified time frame. In addition, editors should encourage authors to share their views on how the journal can be improved.
- The Editorial board should respects the requirement of the author to exclude specific individuals from the process of reviewing the articles. The request must be notified to the Editorial Board, and the author must be informed in a due course whether his request was approved.
- The journal does not accept for publication materials prepared by a supervisor in co-authorship with a student (undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate).
- The description of the peer review process, including the obligation to keep confidentiality of the material received, as well as information about the author and reviewers, is published on the official website of the journal. The Editorial office undertakes to provide the description of the process at the adequate level.
- The Editorial office is responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure the confidential status of the peer-reviewed materials during the peer-review process.
- The Editorial office requests information from the reviewers about possible competing interests before the reviewers accept to review the article.
- The Editorial office is responsible for the privacy policy regarding the identity of the reviewers.
- The Editorial office analyzes the results of the peer review and is responsible for expanding the circle of reviewers in order to ensure that it reflects the scientific community as a whole.
- The Editorial office must fully and accurately inform the members of the Editorial Board about all current issues related to the journal's activities during regular meetings of the Editorial Board and upon the request of the individual members as well.
- The Publisher of the journal is the Southern Federal University (hereinafter referred to as the "University").
- The relations between the Editorial office and the University is based on the principles of editorial independence.
- The Editorial board makes decisions on the publication of articles based solely on the scientific quality of the material and its compliance with the journal's policy, without any pressure from the University.
- The status of the Editorial office is established by the order of the University as well as the Charter of the journal, which describes journal’s relations with the University.
- The editors comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding confidentiality, including federal law No. 152-FZ "On personal data" dated 27 July 2006 and federal law No. 149-FZ "On information, information technologies and information protection" dated 27 July 2006, including all the amendments to these acts. Regardless of this circumstance, the editorial board must always protect the confidentiality of personal information obtained by scientific or professional interactions.
- Intellectual property issues are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the relevant international regulations and agreements.
- The journal encourages scientific discussion and considers the possibility of publishing critical articles. Authors of the criticized materials should be given the opportunity to respond on the pages of the journal.
- The editorial office must respond to complaints and make sure that unsatisfied appellants can contact the Editorial Board directly.
- Unpublished data obtained from the submitted manuscripts are prohibited from being used without the written consent of the Author.
- Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
- In the event of conflicts of interest (i.e. competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relations with any of the authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work), reviewers should not participate in the review of the manuscript.