Peer Review

Peer Review of the articles received by the editorial staff of journal "Novoe Proshloe/The New Past shall have several stages, including one preliminary and one main stage.

Review period in each particular case is defined by Editorial Board taking into account creation of best possible conditions for efficient, publication of the article, on the one hand, and for priority content completion of the journal issue according to program defined for the year, on the other hand. Maximum period for review shall be 4 months.

Review shall be done anonymously: article is sent for review in a soft copy without name of the author; names of the reviewers are not disclosed to the author. Besides, the reviewers receive soft copy of review sample to be filled in. Author of the reviewed article is given the opportunity to read the text of the review. Breach of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials of the article are not true or falsified. No additional recommendations from the department or administration of the author's work place are required.

Finished review is sent to the journal in scanned copy (by e-mail). Texts of the reviews are kept by the journal during 5 years.

If the review contains particular recommendations about correction or rework of the article, the members of the Editorial Board send such review to the author with suggestion to take the notes into account and prepare new version of the article or to make substantiated objection. Maximum period for reworked of article shall be 2 months. Article reworked by the author is sent again for review to the same reviewer and is reviewed by them during 2 months.

Article that is not recommended by the reviewer for publishing shall not be considered again. Text of negative review shall be sent to the author by e-mail or by regular post. Positive review shall not be the final grounds for the article to be published: final resolution about reasonableness to publish is taken by Editorial Board at their meeting. Text of positive review can be sent to the author by e-mail or regular post at the request of the author that the author addresses in a letter to Chief Editor. In this case the names of reviewers are not disclosed to the author either. In case of one positive and one negative review the final resolution is taken by Editorial Board at a meeting.

After the Editorial Board of the journal makes the resolution about publishing the article in a particular issue according to the program planned for the year, the Secretary-General informs the author thereof by e-mail.

Review requirements: