Functions of Epigraphs  in the M. Houellebecq’s Novel  “Les Particules Élémentaires”

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Abstract. The article regards the functions of epigraphs in the novel “Les particules élémentaires” by contemporary French writer M. Houellebecq, where the author makes conceptualization of the para-textual elements. The epigraph is one of the paratextual elements that carries factual, conceptual and subtextual information in the novel, as well as introduces a significant layer of cultural information into the artistic space. Being closely related to the subtext and directly to the text of literary work, the epigraph promotes a coherent reading of the novel. The connection between the paratextual elements (epigraphs) and the genre peculiarity of the novel (roman à thèse) and the development of liberal criticism that permeates all the Houellebecq’s works was reviewed.

Keywords: French literature, Michel Houellebecq, para-text, criticism of liberalism, corporeality, sexuality, “Elementary particles” as a novel à thèse.

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