In Memory of Teacher. Edward  Davidovich Frolov   (01.03.1933–18.08.2018) 

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Abstract. Edward Davidovich Frolov (01.03.1933–18.08.2018) was an outstanding scholar of antiquity. All his scientific and pedagogical activitys were connected with St. Petersburg State University. After graduating from the Faculty of History in 1950, where the prominent antiquity scholars S.I. Kovalev, A.I. Dovatur and K.M. Kolobova became his teachers, in 1958 he defended his thesis and in 1972 the doctoral dissertation. From 1971 to 2015, i.e. for 44 years, E.D. Frolov was the permanent head of the history department of Ancient Greece and Rome at the St. Petersburg State University, which testifies his enormous authority among his colleagues and employees. In 1994, on the basis of the Department of the History of Ancient Greece and Rome, the Center of Antiquity was established with the permanent leader E.D. Frolov. After his death, the scientist left an enormous heritage of writings of 15 monographs and about 300 articles in Russian and foreign periodicals. Three times — in 1983, 1993 and 2001 his monographs were awarded by the University. Under the leadership of E.D. Frolov, 40 candidates and 10 doctoral theses were defended. Many of his students successfully continue work of the teacher in our country. With the passing away of E. Frolov, Russian and world antiquity lost an outstanding scientist and teacher.

Keywords: antiquity, Edward Davidovich Frolov, Leningrad University, the history of ancient Greece and Rome, professor, department.

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