Draft Instruction to the Kiev Military, Podolsk and Volyn Governor-Generals on the Introduction in the Provinces Annexed by Poland, Similar to those in the Central Provinces of Russia

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Abstract. The proposed note is a draft Instruction to the Kiev military, Podolsk and Volyn Governor-General D.G. Bibikov, who held this post in 1837–1852. The document appears in the conditions of opposition to the Russian authorities from the population of the western provinces after the November Uprising 1830–1831, and the preservation of Polish influence in various layers of society. The lack of clear and precise guidelines in the outskirts of the empire’s policy during this period determined the high activity of governors-general in assessing the current situation, developing proposals and projects for integrating the region with “root Russia”, which were addressed to the sovereign and considered, on his behalf, in the Western Committee. The note published for the first time, the clerk’s copy of which was deposited in the fund of the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (RGIA. F. 1282), compares favorably with most similar projects. An important feature of the document is its unusual form, since it was written on behalf of Nicholas I, but was prepared and signed by D.G. Bibikov himself. The content of the note, the analysis and assessment of specific decisions of the authorities presented in it allow us to conclude that they differed from the political practice of the imperial center.

Keywords: Russian Empire, D.G. Bibikov, Kiev General Government, Southwest Territory, depolonization, russification.

For citation: Narezhny A.I. Draft Instruction to the Kiev Military, Podolsk and Volyn Governor-Generals on the Introduction in the Provinces Annexed by Poland, Similar to those in the Central Provinces of Russia, in Novoe Proshloe / The New Past. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 228–244. DOI 10.18522/2500-3224-2023-2-228-244.

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