Perception of History and Modern Policy by Russian-Ukrainian Bietnors in Russia on the Eve of 2022: Russian vs Ukrainian Narrative

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Abstract. The article discusses the data of a sociological study carried out among respondents with dual Russian-Ukrainian ethnicity in Russia in 2021, about their historical ideas (assessment of key personalities in the history of Russia and Ukraine) and ideas about the responsibility in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that began in 2014. The results show that the vast majority of bi-ethnics follow the Russian historical narrative, while only about 14 % of respondents have pro-Ukrainian historical views. At the same time, their views on history do not always correlate with their assessment of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. From a quarter to a third of respondents give not entirely logical answers, i.e., for example, they positively assess Catherine II and Stalin, and blame Russia for the conflict, and those surveyed who call Mazepa and Bandera positive personalities are often blamed for the conflict Western countries and partly Ukraine. This indicates a high level of uncertainty in the historical and political views of the Russian-Ukrainian bi-ethnics, their usually superficial knowledge of the history of Russia and especially Ukraine.

Keywords: bi-ethnics, historical memory, historical narrative, dual ethnic identity, Russians, Ukrainians, Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

For citation: Bublikov V.V. Perception of History and Modern Policy by Russian-Ukrainian Bietnors in Russia on the Eve of 2022: Russian vs Ukrainian Narrative, in Novoe Proshloe / The New Past. 2023. No. 2. Pp. 73–86. DOI 10.18522/2500-3224-2023-2-73-86.

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