About author
Abstract. The obituary is dedicated to the memory of the famous scientist Evgenia Vasilievna Bondarevskaya – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, the Honored Teacher of Russia, laureate of the Russian Federation Government prize in education, the Honored worker of higher education of Russia, Honorary Professor of Rostov state pedagogical University and MGSPW, foreign member of the NAPs of Ukraine, Vice-President of the International Slavic Academy of education named after J.A. Comenius, the author of more than 350 scientific papers on the methodology and theory of pedagogy and the development of common and vocational education. The obituary is an attempt to examine the scientific achievements of an outstanding scientist and his personal human qualities, as a united sense-making process as the valid result of human spirituality. E.V. Bondarevskaya for 34 years directed the activities of the Chair of pedagogy at the Rostov state pedagogical University, as she is known in Russia and abroad for scientific and pedagogical school of the “studentcentered education and cultural type of meaning-life education”. Her activities were aimed at the study of development, compliant with the principles of exaltation and free human self-development, cultural revival, democratization, humanization, openness, practical orientation. The academician E.V. Bondarevskaya has developed the theory of student-centered education’ cultural type, the basics of the methodology of education in Humanities, created the concept of a man of culture, citizen, moral person, justified by the integral criterion of the quality of education – the quality system modernization of the university professional education to prepare teachers of a new formation. She has prepared 37 doctors and over 150 candidates of Pedagogy.
Keywords: Evgenia Vasilievna Bondarevskaya, pedagogical science, people culture, value, meaning, deep dialogue, vocation, ministry.