In Search for the Historical  Experience of the “Peaceful Structure”  of Eastern European Peoples: Scientific  Conference “The Neighbors are not  Chosen: Eastern Europe as a Zone   of Cultural Convergence”. Rostov-on-Don,  September 24–25, 2018

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Abstract. The article is the review of the international conference “The Neighbors are not Chosen: Eastern Europe as a zone of cultural convergence”, held in Rostov-on-Don on September 24–25, 2018 with the financial support of the Russian-Polish Center for Dialogue and Consent. This scientific event, which was attended by both domestic scientists and representatives of leading scientific and educational centers in Poland, was aimed at overcoming the politically utilitarian attitude to historical knowledge, which caused the emergence of an extremely one-sided view of Eastern Europe as a zone of permanent confrontation and hostility. The purpose of the scientific forum was to find the points of cultural convergence of Eastern European peoples and, avoiding one-sided approaches, to consider the positive experience of their coexistence and interaction. Relying on the achievements of modern historical science and related disciplines, the participants of the conference presented a number of topical areas in studying various forms of interaction, cooperation, intercultural contacts, mutual perceptions existing in social life: academic, creative, official, political.

Keywords: Eastern Europe, convergence, Russia, Poland, academic community.

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