“The First Public Exam”:  Government Policy in the Development  of the Caucasus Black Sea Coast and  the Agricultural and Cultural-Industrial  Exhibition “Russian Riviera” (1913)

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Abstract. The article touches upon proceedings the first agricultural and cultural-industrial exhibition of the Caucasian Black Sea coast of the “Russian Riviera” held in November– December 1913 in St. Petersburg. Much attention is given to the state’s participation in the event’s preparation, including financial issues, presentations of exhibiting products. These issues are considered in close relations with the main directions of the state policy for the development of the economic, climatic and strategic potential of the Black Sea coast. The main results of the government policy on the development of this territory by 1913 are characterized. It is concluded that the exhibition was the first public representation of the state strategy towards the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Keywords: Black Sea coast, Caucasus, “Russian Riviera”, agricultural exhibition, economic potential, st ate policy on the outskirts.

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